Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Amusement Park Safety Tips for Parents

When you're searching for a thrilling outing with your family, a trip to an amusement park will likely land high on your list. A large part of the appeal found in amusement parks comes from the opportuntiy to enjoy rides that get your blood flowing without actually putting you at risk. Rides are thoroughly tested and inspected, while operators go through extensive training to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Still, like any other large, public entertainment venue, amusement park safety takes some attention on the part of the guests. You may be surprised to learn approximately 70 percent of injuries that occur on amusement rides are due to rider error.

We've compiled this list of amusement park safety tips to ensure that your visit is filled with safe thrills. This leads to many happy, returning visits to amusement parks, which are among the most enjoyable ways a family can spend their time together on a summer day.

Follow All Posted Signs
Like anywhere else, a top key to amusement park safety is simply following the rules. Amusement park safety regulations can be found at the entrance to every single ride like kamikaze ride (http://sinoamusementrides.com/kamikaze-ride-for-sale/), laying out specific guidelines on what people can and cannot ride. Whether it's due to a height requirement, medical condition, or loose items that should not be taken on a ride, guests should follow amusement park safety rules at all times, both for themselves and for their fellow patrons. And when a sign says 'STAY OUT' or 'EMPLOYEES ONLY', listen to it. Just like you wouldn't walk into the middle of a busy highway, you should stay far away from a ride area where heavy machinery may be moving at high speeds. Amusement park safety rules are in place for a reason, and you (and everyone you're visiting with) should adhere to them - no questions asked.

Listen to the Ride Operator's Instructions
Similarly, each time you board a ride, a ride operator will give an introduction and instructions on how to ride safely. These amusement park safety tips may include how-tos on securing the ride's restraining device, waiting until the ride has come to a complete stop before getting on or off, or holding on to a lap bar. While throwing your hands up in the air on that roller coaster's big downhill run may increase the intensity and excitement, it also increases the risk of injury. Be aware and grab bars - they are installed on rides for a reason, to give guests something to hold on to and be safe.

Put the Phone Away!

One growing risk at amusement parks worldwide is the preponderance of guests who take their smart phones out during a ride (http://sinoamusementrides.com/frisbee-ride-for-sale/) in order to take pictures or videos of their experience. This goes against the amusement park safety rules of nearly every park in operation, as a phone or other item that is not properly secured can fall and strike another rider or amusement park guest. Especially when rides are traveling at high speeds and/or great heights, that falling phone becomes a dangerous projectile. Please adhere to this amusement park safety tip, no matter how much you want to capture that perfect photo: put the phones away while riding!

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